Leadership RNC Chairman Reince Priebus Remarks From 2014 RNC Summer Meeting August 8, 2014August 1, 2017prrp Remarks As Prepared For Delivery Once again, welcome to Chicago. What better way to show we’re serious about being present everywhere than to come to the president’s hometown! Of course,…Read MoreRNC Chairman Reince Priebus Remarks From 2014 RNC Summer Meeting
Leadership RNC Statement on the 157th Anniversary of Dr. José Celso Barbosa August 8, 2014August 1, 2017prrp Washington, DC – As we celebrate the 157th anniversary of Dr. José Celso Barbosa, the founding father of the Republican Party of Puerto Rico. The RNC Chairman Reince Priebus issued the…Read MoreRNC Statement on the 157th Anniversary of Dr. José Celso Barbosa
Leadership Reporte de GAO Demuestra Economía de Puerto Rico Necesita Igualdad El August 6, 2014August 1, 2017prrp El reporte de la Oficina de Contraloría General (GAO) del gobierno de Estados Unidos sobre el impacto de la estadidad demuestra que los puertorriqueños necesitan que su calidad de vida…Read MoreReporte de GAO Demuestra Economía de Puerto Rico Necesita Igualdad El