Conferencia con el Lcdo. Igartúa/Conference with Attorney Igartúa 9.30.14

El licenciado Gregorio Igartúa es socio fundador del bufete de abogados Igartúa Law, fundado en Aguadilla hace más de treinta años. Representa a sus clientes en asuntos corporativos, contributivos y de derecho internacional, además de la práctica general de las leyes.
Obtuvo su grado de juris doctor de la facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Interamericana en 1975. Posteriormente completó una maestría en leyes (LLM) de George Washington University en derecho internacional y corporativo, y en 1978 otra maestría en leyes (LLM) de la Universidad de Georgetown, ambas prestigiosas instituciones localizadas en nuestra capital nacional.
El licenciado Igartúa ha llevado por años una batalla en los tribunales federales a favor de la igualdad de derechos, el voto presidencial y la representación congresional plena para los ciudadanos americanos que residimos en la isla. Su lucha ha generado una importante discusión en diversos foros nacionales e internacionales sobre la constitucionalidad de nuestra condición territorial.
En una opinión disidente en agosto de 2005 el Juez Torruella del primer Circuito Federal emitió una opinión disidente en la que expresó, entre otras cosas, y cito:
“…the majority fails to give any weight to the fundamental nature of the right to vote, and the legal consequences of this cardinal principal. Under the combined guise of alleged political question doctrine, its admitted desire to avoid “embarrassment” to the United States, and its pious lecturing on what it deems to be the nature of the judicial function, the majority seeks to avoid what I believe is its paramount duty over and above these stated goals: to do justice to the civil rights of the four million United States citizens who reside in Puerto Rico.”
Durante el almuerzo se escuchó del licenciado Igartúa sobre lo mas reciente del caso radicado y su análisis constitucional sobre el futuro inmediato de los puertorriqueños. Se dieron cita decenas de personas que pudieron compartir de cerca con el orador invitado, con el Presidente del Partido, el Honorable Carlos Méndez y la licenciada Zoraida Fonalledas, Delegada Nacional.

Attorney Gregorio Igartúa is a founding partner of the law firm Igartúa Law, founded in Aguadilla over thirty years ago. He represents clients in corporate, tax and international law matters, and general practice of law.
He earned his juris doctor degree from the Law School at the InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico in 1975. He subsequently completed a Master of Laws (LLM ) from George Washington University in international and corporate law, and in 1978 another Master of Laws (LLM ) from the University of Georgetown, both prestigious institutions located in our national capital.
For years, attorney Igartúa has battled in the federal courts in favor of equal rights, the presidential vote and full congressional representation for the American citizens who reside in the island. His struggle has generated considerable discussion in various national and international forums on the constitutionality of our territorial condition.
In a dissenting opinion in August 2005, Judge Torruella of the first Federal Circuit issued a dissenting opinion in which he said, among other things, and I quote:
“…the majority fails to give any weight to the fundamental nature of the right to vote, and the legal consequences of this cardinal principal. Under the combined guise of alleged political question doctrine, its admitted desire to avoid “embarrassment” to the United States, and its pious lecturing on what it deems to be the nature of the judicial function, the majority seeks to avoid what I believe is its paramount duty over and above these stated goals: to do justice to the civil rights of the four million United States citizens who reside in Puerto Rico.”
At lunch the attendees listened to Igartúa about the most recent aspects of the case and his constitutional analysis about the immediate future of Puerto Ricans. It brought together dozens of people who could share closely with the guest speaker, with the Chairman of the Party, the Honorable Carlos Mendez and attorney Zoraida Fonalledas, National Committeewoman.